OMG is this a white moose!!

The extremely rare white moose  in seen near the lake  just check the video          

This animal is very rarely found those days .The moose was crossing the lake but the man suddenly capture this epic moment  in his mobile  phone. These stunning creature reside predominatly in sweden, getting their white color from ganetic mutation acquired at birth.The man who capture extremly rare white moose is Hans Nilsson.

white moose
The moose came from the  deer  family basically the animal found in cold region .Their life span is about 15-25 year. Moose mainly give birth one or two baby which are called claves. Now day moose come in extent species. A fully grown male moose is taller than a horse and can weigh over 1300 lbs.Moose can have antlers that span up to 5 feet and weigh over 65 pounds

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